About Wealthy Living Today

Wealthy Living Today® is a free resource offering expert, researched information on managing your finances. We publish finance related news, tips and credit card, investing or loan advice for anyone wanting to improve their personal finances.

Wealthy Living Today® is owned and operated by RKT Publishing, LLC, an organization founded in 2011 and one of the most trusted online content publishers, producing premium content that is designed to educate and inform a wide range of audiences.

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Board of Advisors

Gordon Polovin, Finance Expert

Gordon Polovin

Gordon received an MBA from the University of the Witwatersrand. Gordon has worked on three continents that included an IPO of his company Columbia Consultants Limited on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange in 1986. Columbia Consultants focused on specialist Life Insurance investment options in the UK and Europe. Companies Gordon has worked with included The Prudential (in the Isle of Man), Clerical Medical International, and Scottish Mutual. In the next four years, he initiated similar IPOs for four clients – all of which began as small businesses. Gordon was nominated as one of the six Chivas Regal businessmen of the year in 1988 in South Africa.

He immigrated first to Canada, and in 1998 finally to the USA where he helped clients create compelling pitch decks, website landing pages, and a range of articles on topical subjects. His services resonated with a diverse range of industries and businesses that had one of two key objectives: (a) achieving digital prominence in their respective markets (b) successfully raising funds, mostly from venture capitalists. Learn more about Gordon at his website.

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Brandon Pfaff, CPA and Tax Expert

Brandon Pfaff

Brandon is a CPA with nearly a decade of experience working with individuals and small businesses with a hands on approach. He has worked for one of the world’s largest public accounting firms as well as several Fortune 500 companies. As a part of River City CPAs, LLC,  Brandon specializes in accounting and tax prep for closely held businesses, tax planning, and international tax compliance and planning. Outside of the office, Brandon enjoys spending time with his wife Heather and two children, Henry and Magnolia.

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Leadership Team

Rob Adler

Rob is a co-founder of RKT Publishing and CEO of Financial Recovery Technologies. He’s an experienced, entrepreneurial leader with a track record of success. Over twenty years he has co-founded four technology companies, and remains an active advisor, investor, and mentor for several Boston-area growth companies. Connect with Rob on LinkedIn.

Ken Lyons

Ken is a co-founder of RKT Publishing, with 13 years experience in digital marketing and online publishing. He’s been featured in ESPN, Inc.com and Search Engine Land. Connect with Ken on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Tom Demers

Tom is a co-founder of RKT Publishing, with 10+ years experience in digital marketing and online publishing whose expertise has been featured in USA Today, Fox Business, and more. You can find Tom on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Angela Stringfellow

Angela is the Executive Editor at RKT Publishing and oversees all content production and editorial policies for all RKT properties. She has 10 years experience in branding, PR and digital publishing and is founder and CEO of Coda Concepts. She’s been featured in Forbes, AMEX Open Forum and Business.com. Follow Angela on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Our Writers

Cynthia Lopez

Cynthia is the managing editor and a frequent contributor. Cynthia lives in sunny Southern California, but has been living in South Korea, China and German for the past 8 years. Cynthia is passionate about helping people learn how to manage their personal finances and make better financial decisions for the future. She has been writing about finance-focused topics, advice and trends since 2014.

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Featured Contributor:

Emma Stenhouse

Emma StenhouseEmma is an experienced freelance writer, living in the South of Spain with her husband, two-year-old daughter, and tribe of rescue animals. Emma writes about a range of family topics, from finance to home living, and travel.

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How We Support Wealthy Living Today

Through RKT Publishing, Wealthy Living Today is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. We include Amazon links to many of the products we feature on our site. If you click on one of those links and make a purchase on Amazon, we receive a small percentage of the purchase price in the form of a commission directly from Amazon. You can read more about The Amazon Affiliate Program here.

This is how we’re able to fund and support the work we do at Wealthy Living Today, so that we can bring you the best financial management news, tips and product buying advice for people wanting to manage their personal finances better and remain a free and unbiased resource.