If you are a frequent traveler, opting for a hotel credit card can be a smart decision. Signing up for a hotel credit card for your favorite hotel or a chain that has properties in the places you frequently travel to can give you extra perks and rewards points. If you earn enough rewards points,… Read More
Author: Melanie Green
Melanie Green is a former education team member at Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo, the Florida Aquarium, and the Tampa Bay Conservation Society, where she'd present animals to school groups, sleepovers, and birthday parties. Although she currently shares her home with only three dogs, she has also had other small pets like a hedgehog, sugar glider, ball python, and rabbit.
If you drive a car, you already know about the high costs of filling up your tank. No matter whether you opt for regular or premium, gasoline comes at a cost. Using a gas credit card can help reduce this cost by earning cash back rewards and other perks such as money off each gallon… Read More